Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Volume Venture

To do this experiment you need a measuring cup, 3 test tubes, and 3 different colors of food coloring, and water half way full in each test tube. Put 1 color of food coloring in 1 test tube then the others in the other 2. Leave a comment to tell me your answer.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Hi everyone I got a new dog. His name is Rowe. He is 6 weeks old and his favorite hobby is to sleep.
I have another dog now too. His name is Galieth. I don't have pictures of him yet but will soon. His favorite hobby is to lick people.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I finally got the adapter I needed to upload the pictures of Moppy (our new guinea pig) So here are the pictures

Moppy, can you see why call him that? I will get some pictures of us holding him.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I regret to inform you that our beloved guinea pig named Patches has passed into glory after 2 or 3 short years. I am pleased to inform you we also got a new guinea pig named Moppy. P.S I will get pictures soon.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Bergen's Artwork

Hi I'm Bergen and these are some pictures I drew.
This picture I drew at art class. We each got a letter to do and had to draw a picture of an animal in the shape of the letter you got.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Hi I'm Isaac and Bergen and Oliver and I made a community,
Here are some pictures of it.
The new community.

The new community.
The old community.
The new community.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Long Lake

Hi I'm Isaac and I went to Long Lake for school.
We did this thing called alpha wolf and we would howl for wolfs and one howled back. Someone in my dormroom got sick and I said to my Mom because she was a chaperone to let me sleep on the coaches because I don't like being near people that are sick but he started feeling better so I stayed in my dormroom.
Here are some pictures that I took at Long Lake.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Boy Scouts

Hi I'm Isaac and I am now a boy scout. We had our ceremony last night.
Here are some pictures of me becoming a boy scout.
They said boy scouts will be less work, it seems like less work.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Hi I'm Isaac and I do this game called geocaching. Some of the stuff you need to go geocaching is a gps and an account on geocaching.com.
Here are some pictures of me geocaching.

Geocaching is fun you should try.

P.S. A good gps is around $150.

I hope you have fun geocaching.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Bubble gum contest

Hi I'm Isaac and today at mpls kids we had a contest to see who could chew gum the longest. We were chewing for about 3 hours only like 4 kids won, I was one of them. I think the reward is a pack of gum. After the contest was over I was still chewing because I love gum. The contest was really competitive. For second snack we had clodhoppers and people in the contest didn't want to spit out there gum so they put the gum on the side of their mouth and ate, It was really hard not getting bits of clodhoppers in your gum. I got a ton of clodhoppers in mine which made it feel like it was dissolving in your mouth, it was really gross but I kept chewing it.
By 5:30 the contest ended. It was really fun.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Isaac's Cub Scouts

Hi I'm Isaac and I'm in cub scouts. Next week we're going to do this thing called pine wood durby and we're going to become a boy scout. Some kids are going to get this thing called the arrow of light award I'm not because you need to be in cub scouts a certain amount of time so you can get enough pins. You need like 15 pins I'm geussing. I don't have any pins because I just started.

Monday, February 2, 2009

cub scouts

Hi I'm Oliver today in cub scouts we were widdling we used blocks of soap. We carved animals. I carved a whale or I tried to carve a whale. Some kids carved a polar bear one kid carved a moose.A while a go we went to an all day camp and we played some games.My favorite game was snowball. We had some hot chocolate and made a bird feeder. We even got a patch. I also got the bobcat patch. Pinewood durby is coming up I think it's on Monday. It's were you make a wood car race it against other kids. You can even get a patch or a ribbon.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

special day

Hi I`m Bergen and 1/20 is my birthday! It`s also the day of the inaughuration! My first double digit birthday is the day that the first African American president in the United States was inaugharated!
I am having my birthday at the Grand Slam on 1/25! I do not like having my birthday in the winter because it`s harder to play outside.So we solved that problem. My cake has magnet flip flops on a beach and the shore!I play guitar and I have two acoustic guitars , but I want to get an electric guitar too. My mom said that she would get me one for my birthday from her and her mom!
Then on the 27 my dad is taking me to a Jewel concert!!!My dad got me tickets for Christmas!
My moms parents are coming to our house for my birthday and for my brother Isaac`s play he`s in.They live up in Williston ND so we don`t get to see them that often! Then the next day my dad`s parents will come to our house!We also only have three days of school this week!
I had a basketball game last Saturday!We've played three games and won them all! Our first game the score came out to be 14 to 22! Our second game was 9 to 32 and our third game was a little bit tougher and the score was 12 to 14! I have a lot of friends on my basketball team which makes it a little more fun to play on a team. I finally get a jersey!
My mom said we would go out to eat because couldn't find me a Christmas present so just me and her are going to the rainforest cafe that's my favorite restrant in the world!!! I love to watch the fish swim in their beautiful habitat.I usually get the rainbow slushy and the hamburgers with fries!My family and I saw a green eel in the tank once!
We went sleding and snow boarding with my moms friends! The hill was so steep and slippery
it was difficult to do anything! My boots are terribly slippery all by themselves so the hill doesn't help! Mom has to come down the hill every time to get ME up the hill!
Well , gotta go! See you later!